Sunday, November 28, 2010

Easy Hems

Heming your pieces properly will give them a professional look - not to mention the correct length! Unless you have a serger, you cannot just fold the material up one time and sew in place. This will fray and eventually come apart! We need to take an extra step to ensure a finished edge to our hems. Here's how to properly hem your garments.

1. Fold the edge down about a quarter of an inch. Press in place with an iron and then pin.
From Creating an Elastic Casing or Hemming with a Sewing Machine

2. Sew in place.
From Creating an Elastic Casing or Hemming with a Sewing Machine

3. Fold down again, to a width you have determined for your hem. Press and then pin in place.
From Creating an Elastic Casing or Hemming with a Sewing Machine

4. Sew in place.
From Creating an Elastic Casing or Hemming with a Sewing Machine

5. Set the stitches by pressing with your iron.
From Creating an Elastic Casing or Hemming with a Sewing Machine

That's all there is to it!

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